Follow-up rates (FUR) are concerningly low among burn-injured patients. This study investigates the factors associated with low FUR and missed appointments (MA). We hypothesize that patients who are homeless, use illicit substances, and have psychiatric comorbidities will have lower rates of follow-up (FU) and more MAs. Data from a discharge-planning survey of 281 burn-injured patients discharged from September 2019 – July 2020 was analyzed and matched with patients’ EMR records for a retrospective chart review. Data collected included general demographics, burn characteristics, hospitalization details, FU visits, MAs, homeless status, substance use, major psychiatric illness (MPI), and survey responses. Data analysis used Chi-square, Fisher’s exact test, Student t-test, Wilcox Rank Sum test, and Multivariate Regression Analysis (MVR). Overall, 37% of patients had no FU in clinic and 46% had one or more MA. On MVR, homeless patients were more likely to never follow up, OR = 0.227 (95% CI = 0.106-0.489), as were patients who anticipated transportation difficulties, OR = 0.275 (95% CI = 0.151-0.501). Homeless patients were more likely to have MA, OR= 0.231 (95% CI = 0.099-0.539). On univariate analysis, patients with one or more documented MPI had lower FUR, with 50.62% having no FU (p = 0.0020). Among patients who responded to the survey that they were current drug users, 52% had no FU as compared to 28% of patients who responded that they did not use drugs (p = 0.0007). Factors associated with lower FUR and more MAs include homeless status, substance use, MPI, and transportation difficulties.