Pediatric Burn Survivor Support
Pediatric burn patients are primarily children who have been burned in a household accident or as a result of abuse, or teenage boys who are burned due to an injury sustained around open fires from fire-pits, or camp site fires. Their hospital stay might be only a week, or several months, but in either case the patients have many needs that are met by Sons of the Flag.
For example, Burn Center staff request specific toys that are used not only for entertainment, but also aid in physical rehabilitation. Basketballs, stuffed animals, even coloring books and crayons can be utilized by staff to motive a child to exercise certain parts of the body, aiding in a faster recovery. Portable DVD players are needed to help patients pass the time, and can be used by staff as a reward for willing participation in rehab therapy, or other difficult or painful activities.

Sons of the Flag helps pediatric burn survivors and the health care professionals assisting them.
- Nurses have ongoing needs for toddler size clothing, particularly small socks with rubber padding on the feet, that prevent slipping.
- Hospital gowns are not made to accommodate children, nor do children find hospital gowns comfortable to wear, and small socks are simply not available from medical supply companies.
- In particular, Parkland Hospital in Dallas considers SOTF to be “on call” for specific needs, and requests are fulfilled within 24 hours.

Pediatric Burn Camps
The hope is that all Pediatric Burn Survivors survive their injury, and are able to renter a life that is somewhat “normal.”
However, Burn Survivors never lose their scars, and for children, appearing different puts them at high risk for ridicule
and bullying. Summer camps that are designed specifically for Pediatric Burn Survivors are often the only way a burned
child can enjoy a summer camp experience.
Funds, in-kind items, and volunteers are provided to several other Burn Camps across the country, meeting whatever
needs those camps have each summer. SOTF has assisted over twenty camps across America, serving thousands of
children, including Parkland’s Camp I-Thonka-Chi, which serves 100 campers annually.
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