We Are Here to Help Support Survivors and Their Families

burn survivor support

Sons of the Flag accepts individual support applications through our website. We consider support on a case-by-case basis, for veteran and first responder burn survivors and families for various urgent needs they have.

These requests include things such as necessary medical supplies; i.e., compression garments, burn creams, and other medical necessities not covered through insurance. We also consider assistance with backlogged expenses due to lost income, mortgage and rental payments, and other ancillary costs of living.

Each burn survivor is evaluated on a case-by-case basis by Sons of the Flag to determine how much funding might be allocated for immediate needs.

Support that is provided is always given to a third-party to cover immediate needs, such as a mortgage company, a pharmaceutical company or medical supply company, utility company, etc.

go bags sons of the flag burn support

When a burn incident happens, the patient is transported to a facility immediately and that does not generally allow enough time for a family to have everything they need to accommodate them for a few days at the hospital. Sons of the Flag provides “GO-Bags” to the Burn Units around the country with whom we have a relationship. These bags contain the following necessities for a caregiver:

  • Toiletry Bag (toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash, shampoo / conditioner, deodorant, lotion, sanitary needs, etc.)
  • Electronics Bag – Chargers for both IOS and Android, and wall plugs (to maintain their cell phone connectivity)
  • Blankets – for their stay in the room
  • Playing Cards or other quiet activity-related games that would entertain children (as applicable)

If You Need Assistance, Please Fill Out The Form Below.

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