Patients with burn injuries require large doses of opioids and gabapentinoids to achieve pain control and are often discharged from hospital with similar amounts. This study aimed to identify patient risk factors that increase analgesic requirements among patients with burn injuries and to determine the relationship between opioid and gabapentinoid use. Patient charts from July 1, 2015 – 2018 were reviewed retrospectively to determine analgesic requirements 24 hours before discharge. Linear mixed regression models were performed to determine patient risk factors (age, gender, history of substance misuse, total body surface area of burn, length of stay in hospital, history of psychiatric illness, or surgical treatment) that may increase analgesic requirements. This study found that patients with a history of substance misuse (p = 0.01) or who were managed surgically (p = 0.01) required higher doses of opioids at discharge. Similarly, patients who had undergone surgical debridement required more gabapentinoids (p < 0.001). For every percent increase in TBSA, patients also required 14 mg more gabapentinoids (p = 0.01). In contrast, older patients (p = 0.006) and those with a longer hospital stay (p = 0.009) required fewer amounts of gabapentinoids before discharge. By characterizing factors that increase analgesic requirements at discharge, burn care providers may have a stronger understanding of which patients are at greater risk of developing chronic opioid or gabapentinoid misuse. The quantity and duration of analgesics prescribed at discharge may then be tailored according to these patient specific risk factors.